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Top Popular Certification Courses that boosts your IT Career

Top Popular Certification Courses that boosts your IT Career

Top Popular Certification Courses that boosts your IT Career . The IT market is booming. There are a huge number of jobs being created by the day – 165 million jobs in the US by 2020.

Yes, this usually means there will be mass hiring with a lot of varied positions opened.

But companies want professionals with skills – skills that mean something to the industry, they want professionals who are certified.

Certifications get your skills up to speed with the latest developments in the industry. Due to their maintenance requirements, these credentials expect you to keep yourself updated with constant training. Besides, a certified professional earns at least two times more than a non-certified professional.

ONLEI Technologies provides the most popular certifications courses that enhances the skills and provides the opportunity to get a job in the IT sector.

Top Popular Certification Courses that boosts your IT Career

Top 5 Popular Certification Courses : 

  1. Python 

Python jobs are on the rise. Due to Python’s fast-growing popularity, there are many career opportunities. Python is a general-purpose programming language used for web development, application development, machine learning, AI, and data science. Python is a great career choice. 

Skills required for Python Developer 

It is not enough just to master Python to land your dream job. You don’t need to learn every Python framework, but you should have some must-have skills.

Python must-have skills are:

  • Object-relational mappers
  • Understand how to use RESTful APIs.
  • Core Python – Know the basics, have a working knowledge of Python 2 and 3.
  • Web frameworks – Python projects are done within frameworks. Django is a standard Python framework, learn it.
  • Understand multi-process architecture for developing high-performance applications.
  • Know how to package code for deployment.
  • Design highly scalable solutions.
  • Effectively communicate with team members.

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Online Python Certification Course ( Best Python Certification Course Online ) , Get Python Programming Certification Course Online .

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Online Python Certification Course , Best Python Certification Course Online . Python programming certification courses authorize every one to study data science from basics. 

This Python Course will also help you with the necessary Python programming approach such as object-oriented programming , file operations, data operations, and also various Python libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib which are important for Data Science.

The Python Certification Training course is also a gateway towards your Data Science profession.

  1. Data Science

Today’s market is changing in incredible ways with an increased buzz around AI and machine learning. Data science assists these new technologies by figuring out solutions to problems by linking similar data for future use. … Data science roles are extremely well-paid and versatile in terms of industries and tools.

The value of Data Science can be seen in its numerous applications, which vary from simple tasks like asking Siri or Alexa for recommendations to more complicated ones like piloting a self-driving car. Better decision-making, predictive analysis, and pattern finding are all aided by data science or data-driven science. It’s beneficial because:

  • By asking the appropriate questions, you can determine the root cause of an issue.
  • Conduct an exploratory analysis of the data.
  • Various algorithms are used to model the data.
  • Graphs, dashboards, and other visual aids can be used to communicate and visualise the results.

In practice, data science is already assisting the airline sector in predicting flight interruptions to help both airlines and customers avoid misery. Airlines may improve their operations in a variety of ways with the help of data science, including:

  • Plan your itineraries and decide whether to fly direct or connect.
  • To predict flight delays, create predictive analytics algorithms.
  • Provide clients with customised promotional offers depending on their booking patterns.
  • Choose which plane class to buy for better overall performance.

Data science is important in every aspect of digital as well as offline recurring data methods. Its existence has solved major flaws in human society and continues to do so.

ONLEI Technologies is a leading Best Data Science Certification Course Provider in India offering advanced data science courses to all our students who are hungry to explore the technology under Certified Industry Experts.

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Data Science Certification Course Online , Best Data Science Certification Online in India . Data Scientist Certification

Skills required for Data Scientist

  • Statistics
  • At least one programming language – R/ Python
  • Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading
  • Data Wrangling and Data Exploration
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Advanced Machine Learning (Deep Learning)
  • Big Data Processing Frameworks 
  • Data Visualization
  1. Machine Learning

Machine learning technology is now necessarily new; machine learning algorithms have existed for years, but machine learning processes have recently taken prominence due to several important technological improvements, including:

  • Wider access to large volumes and varieties of data, especially the development and ubiquity of “big data”.
  • Much more affordable data storage solutions, which helped make big data sets available to more organizations and for a much wider variety of applications.
  • Increasing processing power that allows computers and specifically AI applications to complete calculations much faster than ever before.

These developments set the scene for machine learning to produce much better results than it was historically capable of providing, allowing machine learning applications to provide value to virtually every industry and business activity.

Anywhere that AI systems are being used, machine learning experts will be needed to help improve the results of that AI technology, and as we covered in our recent post on what makes AI so important, there’s a whole host of applications for these transformational technologies.

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Machine Learning Certification Course Online , Best Machine Learning Certification Online in India .

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Machine Learning Certification Course Online , Best Machine Learning Certification Online in India .

Learn machine learning with top-notch faculty at ONLEI Technologies – Machine Learning training company. 

ONLEI Technologies offers hands-on experience and learns to implement Machine Learning algorithms which helps to drive real world applications. 

Build all the required skills in a Machine Learning course designed by ONLEI Technologies . Master in Machine learning and find your dream job with 100 % job assistance provided by ONLEI Technologies.

Skills required for Machine Learning Engineer :

  • Probability and Statistics
  • Machine Learning Algorithm
  • Neural Network Architecture and NLP processing
  • Distributed Computing
  • Assessment Data Modeling
  1. Digital Marketing

The Importance of digital marketing has become crystal clear from the fact that search engines and social media are investing billions of dollars in innovative software. The software is used for continuous monitoring of its audience behavior so that it becomes easier to engage and retain the customers using optimized digital marketing concepts.

Online Digital Marketing Concepts

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): When you search anything on google, the first-page search results must have optimized their article using the SEO technique. People are most likely to open these results. This is true for other search engines too.
  • Content Marketing: Content is known as a silver bullet in digital marketing. An enticing content increases brand awareness which will lead to a potential customer. Content can be in the form of a blog post, eBook, PPT, whitepaper, infographics, etc. Your reading of this article is itself content marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing: Who doesn’t know social media nowadays. Social media with abundant users is one of the best available means to create brand recognition. For example, billions of available users on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Corporates have well understood the importance of digital marketing using social media and started leveraging all these platforms for their business marketing.
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): The advertisement publisher like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn will post promotional posts for your business to increase the traffic to the website, and the publisher will get paid in returns according to nos. of clicks in the promotional posts.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing entails the promotion of a product or service for a piece of the profit for every purchase made. It works on a revenue-sharing model where a promoter is given financial incentives as per actual sale. These digital marketing concepts are one of the best revenue generation sources for many bloggers.
  • Native Advertising: Many a time, an advertisement is carried in a way that it does not look like a regular ad. It blends with the regular article in such a way that potential customers do not think of it as another advertisement. For example, a new article shares a new product under innovation trends. It may lead to an ethical issue for some.
  • Automated Marketing: Imagine a promotional mail in your inbox unrelated to you, or frequent advertisement starts bothering you. Well, marketing automation is there to help. These digital marketing concepts rely on a set of software with the power of data science and artificial intelligence has made it easier to target an audience of specific need, a specific interval for an email newsletter, scheduling of social media posts, etc. thus improving the digital marketing effectiveness.
  • Email Marketing: Emails are a direct way of communication with customers. companies use email to offer their brand-new product or services to an existing customer. Also, the subscribed newsletter, new offers, loyalty program, etc. are being done with email marketing.
  • Online PR: A third party review and promotion of your brand is an effective advertisement opportunity. That is where the PR (Public Relation) pitches in. The importance of digital marketing can be gauged from the fact that it also humanizes your offerings that are much different than salesperson marketing. Interview with a journalist, press release, engaging with comments on your websites, etc. are some of the examples
  • Sponsored Content: People are influenced by many famous personalities for their achievements and skills in life. When these influencers sponsor a brand or service is called sponsored marketing. It can be done by paying another company to sponsor your content to promote business. A blog post highlighting a product for payment is another form of it.

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Digital Marketing Certification Course Online , Best Digital Marketing Certification Online in India .

ONLEI Technologies Provides Best Digital Marketing Certification Course Online , Best Digital Marketing Certification Online in India .

  1. Business Analyst

Business analysts are increasingly crucial to successful business operations across a variety of industries. Acting as a bridge between the business community and technical solutions providers, they ensure new IT projects are designed and implemented properly. Whether developing a new database or boosting a firm’s cloud capability, business analysts are responsible for guaranteeing that projects meet business objectives and boost the company’s bottom line.

Because they’re so integrated into the world of IT, business analysts often keep abreast of new technology, knowing what’s on the horizon and how it could support a firm’s people and processes. At the same time, they anticipate broader business challenges before they appear, being as comfortable in the boardroom as they are in the tech department.

Finally, business analysts keep an eye on how completed projects are progressing. From preventing hacks to tweaking the backend, their work keeps going.

ONLEI Technologies Provides Business Analyst Course Online , The Best Business Analyst Certification Training Course Online .

One primary job of the business analyst is to locate business opportunities and inefficiencies and provide recommendations (principally through implementing IT and technological solutions).

Some of the core responsibilities of a business analyst, irrespective of their industry are-

  • Understand the problems and goals of the enterprise
  • Analyze needs and solution
  • Devise change strategies
  • Drive change
  • Facilitate stakeholder collaboration

ONLEI provides Business Analyst Certification Training Course Online , Best Business Analyst Course Online Certification . Companies wish to see a real return on their investment and this is where a Business Analyst – with his business and IT focus plays an important role. 

The course has been constructed keeping in mind the market trend in this field and has been designed by none other than the trainers who are alumni of IITs, IIMs and ISB. 

They have used creative methods to achieve the learning outcomes and have designed a comprehensive curriculum, to help you develop an in-depth understanding of the subject. 

Our Alumni work at some of the best companies in the world

Important Links

Data Science Location : Data Science Course , Data Science Training in Noida , Data Science Training in Bangalore  , Data Science Training in Hyderabad , Data Science Training in Pune , Data Science Training in Chandigarh/Mohali , Data Science Certification Course  , Data Science Training in Lucknow , Data Science Training Institute in Noida , Data Science Training in USA , Data Science Course Training in Indore , Data Science Course Training in Vijayawada , Data Science Course Training in Chennai , Data Science Certification Course Training in Dubai , UAE , Data Science Course Training in Mumbai Maharashtra , Data Science Training in Mathura Vrindavan Barsana , Data Science Certification Course Training in Hathras , Data Science Training in Coimbatore , Data Science Course Training in Jaipur , Data Science Course Training in Raipur Chhattisgarh , Data Science Course Training in Patna , Data Science Course Training in Kolkata , Data Science Course Training in Delhi NCR , Data Science Course Training in Prayagraj Allahabad , Data Science Course Training in Dehradun ,  Data Science Course Training in Ranchi

Data Analytics Location : Data Analytics Training in Noida , Data Analytics Course Training in USA , Data Analytics Course Training in Gurugram , Data Analytics Course Training in Canada , Data Analytics Course Training in Coimbatore , Data Analytics Course Training in Vijayawada , Data Analytics Course Training in Ahmedabad , Data Analytics Course Training in Patna , Data Analytics Course Training in Chennai , Data Analytics Course Training in Kolkata , Data Analytics Course Training in Dehradun , Data Analytics Course Training in Pune , Data Analytics Course Training in Hyderabad , Data Analytics Course Training in Bangalore, Data Analytics Course Training in Jaipur

Python Course Locations : Python Course  , Python Training in Noida  , Python Training in Chandigarh/Mohali , Python Certification Course , Python Certification , Python Course Training in Raipur , Python Course Training in Patna , Python Course Training in Hyderabad , Python Course Training in Kolkata , Python Course Training in Pune , Python Course Training in Chennai , Python Course Training in Bangalore ,

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