
Why Machine Learning is better than Statistics ?

“Machine Learning (ML)” and “Traditional Statistics(TS)” have unique philosophies in their approaches. With “Data Science” in the forefront getting masses of attention and interest, I want to dedicate this blog to discuss the differentiation among the 2. I frequently see discussions and arguments among statisticians and data miners/machine learning practitioners at the definition of “data …

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Data Analysis with Power BI

Data Analysis with Power BI As we know that data analysis is a method to extract useful information from the given raw data by various procedures such as Descriptive Analysis,Diagnostic Analysis, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analysis, Statistical Analysis  BI stands for Business Intelligence. Power BI is a service which helps end users  in managing and configuring …

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What are Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence

What are Expert Systems in Artificial Intelligence? An expert system is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to simulate the judgement and behaviour of a human or an organization that has expertise and experience in a particular field. Expert systems are usually intended to complement, not replace, human experts.It is widely used …

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